Current Lifestyle Favorites
Apart from beauty, I'd love to share some lifestyle favorites, stuff that I've been appreciating a little more and new finds that help me in my every day life.
I've been loving the
Muji PP vanity cases for a while now. Recently, I added the biggest one in their line
(Php 375), which holds my skincare bottles, tubes, and whatnot, and also my sister's so that it's bunched up together and easy to transport especially when I wipe down the vanity. Some bottles are actually taller than the actual container, but it's not too bad cause I don't really need to put a lid on it.
I started out with the 1/2 sized one
(Php 275), which is perfect for lipsticks. It has handles on the side too which makes it easier to carry. Though they sell a separate lid, I opted for the mirror that also serves as a lid, which is somewhere around Php 650. I actually saw the mirror first from Browhaus. It's the mirror they hand out after they fix your brows.
After making a conscious effort to use up my other makeup items, I bought the 1/4 size one (
Php 215) which holds random makeup items like concealer, mascara, blush, and others. This sits on top of my 1/2 one which holds the lipsticks.
Naturally, it gets dirty after a while, considering it holds makeup, but they're easy to wash or wipe. Another thing I like about them is that they aren't fully transparent.
I was strolling around Daiso one time and I saw this, which looked extremely similar to
this brush egg cleaner. It was amazing to find out that it was also used as a scrubbing board for laundry. Though, thinking about it, I can see how this works as a laundry tool too. Given that I saw this in Daiso, you know that this only costs
less than Php 100.
Basically, it's made of silicone material. The picture doesn't really show that you put your fingers through the opening below, but that's what I do when cleaning brushes. Normally, I would use my bare hands to clean brushes (I swirl them around my palm), but now I can opt to use this especially for smaller brushes. I put liquid soap or shower gel directly on this, wet my brush, and rub the brush against the egg. It cleans the brushes faster; so, I get on with my life faster.
If you live in a condominium unit, especially a small one, and if you're sensitive to smells just like me, you might have attempted several air fresheners, room sprays and fragrances, diffusers, and whatnot. Though I still have diffusers spread out around the condo and I spray the rooms from time to time, I have found great convenience from this little device right here. If you do go to the grocery, you might have noticed this already. I got a hold of this automatic spray from Glade in December 2016 and I'm on my 2nd can now.

Basically, it's an automatic, battery operated spray, which you can set to spray every 9, 18, and 36 minutes. The box shows a range of scents, but most groceries usually carry just 3 (lavender and vanilla, ocean escape, and morning freshness). The device comes in this kind of brown and a white. The set (device and can of fragrance) is less than Php 500, I believe. So, after finishing the can that comes with the set, you can just purchase refills. The first scent I tried was ocean escape, which I ended up giving to my mom (including the spray bottle) cause she wanted one too. I wasn't too impressed with that scent. I wanted the morning freshness scent, but it never came with the spray bottle, so I went for lavender and vanilla which I prefer more than ocean escape. After finishing the lavender one, I finally got morning freshness which is a bit lighter or more fresh smelling.

The bottle can easily be propped on a flat surface or hung on a wall. Ideally, I'd like to hang this, cause the mist (when it sprays) can be overwhelming, but I don't like drilling on walls.
So, those were my current lifestyle favorites. I'd be happy to hear about yours. Let me know.